Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July Watercolors....Traverse City Mission Peninsula Weekend

This was our view at the Jolly Pumpkin on Mission Peninsula. We had a great time on our Watercolor Weekend.  I loved sitting on the bay with a Jolly Pumpkin Madrugada Obscura Beer and  looking at pine trees....(and smelling them too). I like to paint yellow skies...they make me happy! I am busy planning next years trip to Traverse City with students.....hope to see you there.

This is a view from the Lyon Farm. It is also on the bay, just a little farther down. There is a little white sailboat in the bay and the white of the paper comes through for the clouds. I got a great new chair from has shoulder straps so I can wear it like a backpack. It is short so I can reach my supplies and it has pockets for more paint supplies. I love to paint and picnic!

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